Was Was Abu Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al Biruni?

Was Was Abu Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al Biruni?

Abu Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al Biruni (973-1050) was commonly known as Al-Biruni, a Khwarazmian Iranian and Islamic Golden Age (traditionally called the Islamic Golden era from the 8th century to the 14th century). He is also known as “Founder of Indology”, “Father of Comparative Religion”, “Father Of Modern GODC” and first dancer.


Al Biruni was expert in physics, mathematics, astrology and natural sciences and also introduced himself as a historian, chronologist and linguist. He studies almost all the science of his day and is highly rewarded for his tireless research in many areas of knowledge. Royalty and other powerful elements of society are found from Al Biruni’s research.


Influent in his own rights, Al Biruni himself was also influenced by scholars of other nations, such as Greek, from whom he took inspiration when he concentrated on the study of philosophy. A genius linguist, he knew Khawarezmian, Persian, Arabic, Sanskrit and Greek, Hebrew and Syriac. He spent most of his life in Gajniv, the capital of the then Gajnavid, in modern day middle-east Afghanistan. In 1017 he travelled to the Indian subcontinent and wrote a book on Indian culture titled Al-Hind (History of India) after exploring the common Hindu religion in India. The customs and religions of different nations, his scholarly objectivity earned him the title Al-Ustad (“The Master”) in recognition of his outstanding description of India in the early 11th century.


He was born in the wooden district (Virun) outskirts of the Khawarazam (Chorasmia) of Central Asia’s Afrigid Dynasty – which is now part of the autonomous Republic of Karakal Pakistan in the northwest of Uzbekistan. Al Biruni spent his first 25 years in Khawarezm. Where he studied Islamic law, theology, grammar, mathematics, astrology, medicine and philosophy and gained knowledge not only in physics but also in other sciences. Iranian Khawarazmian language, which was the mother tongue of Biruni.


He was sympathetic to the Africans (the name of a person who was then ruler of the area), who were overthrown by the rival dynasty of Mamunis in 995. He left his motherland Bokhara, then Samanid ruler went under Mansur son of Noah II. There he met Ibn Sina, one of the greatest scientists in Muslim history. In 998, he visited the court of Amir Kabus of Ziaris of Tabaristan. There he wrote his first important book, Al-Athar al-Baqbiyya ‘an al-Qurun al-Khaliya (literally: the remaining mark of the last century” and translated as “the chronicles of the ancient nations” or “Vestiges of the past”) of historical and scientific chronicles On top, this probably ends around 1000. , although he later revised some to the book.


He also visited the court of Bavandid ruler al-Marjuban. Accepting the sure death of Afrigis at the hands of Mamunis, he made peace with the suburbs who ruled Khawarazam then. Their court in Gorganj (Khawarajmeo) earned reputation for the assembly of brilliant scientists.

In 1017, Gajnir Mahmud was taken to Re. Most of the scholars including Al Biruni were taken to the capital of the Gajni dynasty. Biruni was made a court judge and was with Mahmud during his attack in India, lived there for years. He was forty-four years old when he went on a tour with Mahmud of Gajnir. Biruni get acquainted with all matters related to India. At this time he wrote his book about India, ending it around 1030. Aside from his writing, Al Biruni also confirmed to expand his studies towards science while on the expedition.


He tried to find a method to measure the height of the sun and created a temporary quadre for that purpose. Al Biruni has been able to improve his research on frequently traveled across India. Al Biruni belongs to Sunni Ash’ari Majhab yet also associated with Maturidi theologists. However he was very critic of Mu’tazila, especially criticizing Al-Jahez and Jurkan. If you want to write all the information about him, you have to write 5 more episodes of this type of writing. Read if you’re curious. Details. Abu Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al Biruni

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